
During the research for this project I came across many interesting, amusing and informative websites and references. I have gathered together some of the more relevant ones and listed them below for you to enjoy as I have.

May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles, so we will know them by their limping.

General Links

bullet  What's in the Doolin name? (PDF file 2 Mb)

bullet  What's in Eva's Birthdate? (PDF file 2 Mb)

bullet  Maeve Binchy (Mum's favourite author)

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Links for Ireland

The links I have listed below connect to some of the interesting websites I have been to while creating this section of the site. I expect that you wll be as fascinated and amazed as I was at what is 'out there'. If you know of any other sites that I should list, please click on the Contacts button on the left.

bullet  Francisan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood
bullet  Haddington Road Church
bullet  National Transport Museum of Ireland
bullet  Upper Leeson Street Area Residents Association (Herbert Park)
bullet  Ask About Ireland Swastika Laundry
bullet  Irish Culture & Customs
bullet  Dublin History (The most complete history of Dublin on the net)
bullet  Doolin Ireland
bullet  News Four
bullet  Visit Dublin

Links for England

Section to be completed


This website is still very much a work in progress and I suspect that it always will be but I hope you enjoyed looking through it.

I would be pleased to hear from you at anytime, especially if you have any new information, pictures, or spot any errors on the site; just select the contacts button on the left to send me an e-mail.

May you always have these blessings: a soft breeze when summer comes - a warm fireside in winter - and always - the gentle smile of a friend.