Elizabeth Evelyn Bootle
Eva Bootle

Click here to see a copy of mum's birth certificate

Elizabeth Evelyn Bootle (nee Doolin), was known throughout her life as Eva. She was born on 28th October 1927 and died on 8th March 2004, aged 76 years

She was also my mother and I knew her for 51 years. After she died, I thought of many things I would have liked to have asked her, so I decided to find out more about her, her life and where she came from. This website is the result. Thanks to all those that have helped me with stories, photographs and information.

The site is still very much a work in progress and I suspect that it always will be but I hope you enjoy looking through it.

I would be pleased to hear from you at anytime, especially if you have any new information, pictures, or spot any errors on the site; just select the contacts button on the left to send me an e-mail.

"Though leaves are many, the root is one"
- W.B. Yeats - The Coming of Wisdom with Time